Fix screen tearing with picom. Add notification daemon.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1,7 @@

# i3-stones
## Dependencies
- i3wm
- polybar
- picom
- dunst

Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
# See dunst(5) for all configuration options
### Display ###
# Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on.
monitor = 0
# Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are:
# mouse: follow mouse pointer
# keyboard: follow window with keyboard focus
# none: don't follow anything
# "keyboard" needs a window manager that exports the
# _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property.
# This should be the case for almost all modern window managers.
# If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option
# will be ignored.
follow = none
### Geometry ###
# dynamic width from 0 to 300
# width = (0, 300)
# constant width of 300
width = 300
# The maximum height of a single notification, excluding the frame.
height = 200
# Position the notification in the top right corner
origin = top-right
# Offset from the origin
offset = (10, 50)
# Scale factor. It is auto-detected if value is 0.
scale = 0
# Maximum number of notification (0 means no limit)
notification_limit = 20
### Progress bar ###
# Turn on the progress bar. It appears when a progress hint is passed with
# for example dunstify -h int:value:12
progress_bar = true
# Set the progress bar height. This includes the frame, so make sure
# it's at least twice as big as the frame width.
progress_bar_height = 10
# Set the frame width of the progress bar
progress_bar_frame_width = 1
# Set the minimum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_min_width = 150
# Set the maximum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_max_width = 300
# Corner radius for the progress bar. 0 disables rounded corners.
progress_bar_corner_radius = 0
# Define which corners to round when drawing the progress bar. If progress_bar_corner_radius
# is set to 0 this option will be ignored.
progress_bar_corners = all
# Corner radius for the icon image.
icon_corner_radius = 0
# Define which corners to round when drawing the icon image. If icon_corner_radius
# is set to 0 this option will be ignored.
icon_corners = all
# Show how many messages are currently hidden (because of
# notification_limit).
indicate_hidden = yes
# The transparency of the window. Range: [0; 100].
# This option will only work if a compositing window manager is
# present (e.g. xcompmgr, compiz, etc.). (X11 only)
transparency = 0
# Draw a line of "separator_height" pixel height between two
# notifications.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# If gap_size is greater than 0, this setting will be ignored.
separator_height = 2
# Padding between text and separator.
padding = 8
# Horizontal padding.
horizontal_padding = 8
# Padding between text and icon.
text_icon_padding = 0
# Defines width in pixels of frame around the notification window.
# Set to 0 to disable.
frame_width = 3
# Defines color of the frame around the notification window.
frame_color = "#c8c9c990"
# Size of gap to display between notifications - requires a compositor.
# If value is greater than 0, separator_height will be ignored and a border
# of size frame_width will be drawn around each notification instead.
# Click events on gaps do not currently propagate to applications below.
gap_size = 0
# Define a color for the separator.
# possible values are:
# * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background;
# * foreground: use the same color as the foreground;
# * frame: use the same color as the frame;
# * anything else will be interpreted as a X color.
separator_color = frame
# Sort type.
# possible values are:
# * id: sort by id
# * urgency_ascending: sort by urgency (low then normal then critical)
# * urgency_descending: sort by urgency (critical then normal then low)
# * update: sort by update (most recent always at the top)
sort = yes
# Don't remove messages, if the user is idle (no mouse or keyboard input)
# for longer than idle_threshold seconds.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# A client can set the 'transient' hint to bypass this. See the rules
# section for how to disable this if necessary
# idle_threshold = 120
### Text ###
font = Monospace 14
# The spacing between lines. If the height is smaller than the
# font height, it will get raised to the font height.
line_height = 0
# Possible values are:
# full: Allow a small subset of html markup in notifications:
# <b>bold</b>
# <i>italic</i>
# <s>strikethrough</s>
# <u>underline</u>
# For a complete reference see
# <>.
# strip: This setting is provided for compatibility with some broken
# clients that send markup even though it's not enabled on the
# server. Dunst will try to strip the markup but the parsing is
# simplistic so using this option outside of matching rules for
# specific applications *IS GREATLY DISCOURAGED*.
# no: Disable markup parsing, incoming notifications will be treated as
# plain text. Dunst will not advertise that it has the body-markup
# capability if this is set as a global setting.
# It's important to note that markup inside the format option will be parsed
# regardless of what this is set to.
markup = full
# The format of the message. Possible variables are:
# %a appname
# %s summary
# %b body
# %i iconname (including its path)
# %I iconname (without its path)
# %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing
# %n progress value if set without any extra characters
# %% Literal %
# Markup is allowed
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
# Alignment of message text.
# Possible values are "left", "center" and "right".
alignment = left
# Vertical alignment of message text and icon.
# Possible values are "top", "center" and "bottom".
vertical_alignment = center
# Show age of message if message is older than show_age_threshold
# seconds.
# Set to -1 to disable.
show_age_threshold = 60
# Specify where to make an ellipsis in long lines.
# Possible values are "start", "middle" and "end".
ellipsize = middle
# Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications.
ignore_newline = no
# Stack together notifications with the same content
stack_duplicates = true
# Hide the count of stacked notifications with the same content
hide_duplicate_count = false
# Display indicators for URLs (U) and actions (A).
show_indicators = yes
### Icons ###
# Recursive icon lookup. You can set a single theme, instead of having to
# define all lookup paths.
enable_recursive_icon_lookup = true
# Set icon theme (only used for recursive icon lookup)
icon_theme = Adwaita
# You can also set multiple icon themes, with the leftmost one being used first.
# icon_theme = "Adwaita, breeze"
# Align icons left/right/top/off
icon_position = left
# Scale small icons up to this size, set to 0 to disable. Helpful
# for e.g. small files or high-dpi screens. In case of conflict,
# max_icon_size takes precedence over this.
min_icon_size = 32
# Scale larger icons down to this size, set to 0 to disable
max_icon_size = 128
# Paths to default icons (only necessary when not using recursive icon lookup)
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/devices/
### History ###
# Should a notification popped up from history be sticky or timeout
# as if it would normally do.
sticky_history = yes
# Maximum amount of notifications kept in history
history_length = 20
### Misc/Advanced ###
# dmenu path.
dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst:
# Browser for opening urls in context menu.
browser = /usr/bin/xdg-open
# Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed
always_run_script = true
# Define the title of the windows spawned by dunst (X11 only)
title = Dunst
# Define the class of the windows spawned by dunst (X11 only)
class = Dunst
# Define the corner radius of the notification window
# in pixel size. If the radius is 0, you have no rounded
# corners.
# The radius will be automatically lowered if it exceeds half of the
# notification height to avoid clipping text and/or icons.
corner_radius = 0
# Define which corners to round when drawing the window. If the corner radius
# is set to 0 this option will be ignored.
# Comma-separated list of the corners. The accepted corner values are bottom-right,
# bottom-left, top-right, top-left, top, bottom, left, right or all.
corners = all
# Ignore the dbus closeNotification message.
# Useful to enforce the timeout set by dunst configuration. Without this
# parameter, an application may close the notification sent before the
# user defined timeout.
ignore_dbusclose = false
### Wayland ###
# These settings are Wayland-specific. They have no effect when using X11
# Uncomment this if you want to let notifications appear under fullscreen
# applications (default: overlay)
# layer = top
# Set this to true to use X11 output on Wayland.
force_xwayland = false
### Legacy
# Use the Xinerama extension instead of RandR for multi-monitor support.
# This setting is provided for compatibility with older nVidia drivers that
# do not support RandR and using it on systems that support RandR is highly
# discouraged.
# By enabling this setting dunst will not be able to detect when a monitor
# is connected or disconnected which might break follow mode if the screen
# layout changes.
force_xinerama = false
### mouse
# Defines list of actions for each mouse event
# Possible values are:
# * none: Don't do anything.
# * do_action: Invoke the action determined by the action_name rule. If there is no
# such action, open the context menu.
# * open_url: If the notification has exactly one url, open it. If there are multiple
# ones, open the context menu.
# * close_current: Close current notification.
# * close_all: Close all notifications.
# * context: Open context menu for the notification.
# * context_all: Open context menu for all notifications.
# These values can be strung together for each mouse event, and
# will be executed in sequence.
mouse_left_click = close_current
mouse_middle_click = do_action, close_current
mouse_right_click = close_all
# Experimental features that may or may not work correctly. Do not expect them
# to have a consistent behaviour across releases.
# Calculate the dpi to use on a per-monitor basis.
# If this setting is enabled the Xft.dpi value will be ignored and instead
# dunst will attempt to calculate an appropriate dpi value for each monitor
# using the resolution and physical size. This might be useful in setups
# where there are multiple screens with very different dpi values.
per_monitor_dpi = false
# IMPORTANT: colors have to be defined in quotation marks.
# Otherwise the "#" and following would be interpreted as a comment.
background = "#c8c9c990"
foreground = "#1f3641"
timeout = 10
# Icon for notifications with low urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
background = "#c8c9c990"
foreground = "#1f3641"
timeout = 10
override_pause_level = 30
# Icon for notifications with normal urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
background = "#c8c9c990"
foreground = "#1f3641"
frame_color = "#c8c9c9"
timeout = 0
override_pause_level = 60
# Icon for notifications with critical urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
# Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules to
# override settings for certain messages.
# Messages can be matched by
# appname (discouraged, see desktop_entry)
# body
# category
# desktop_entry
# icon
# match_transient
# msg_urgency
# stack_tag
# summary
# and you can override the
# background
# foreground
# format
# frame_color
# fullscreen
# new_icon
# set_stack_tag
# set_transient
# set_category
# timeout
# urgency
# icon_position
# skip_display
# history_ignore
# action_name
# word_wrap
# ellipsize
# alignment
# hide_text
# override_pause_level
# Shell-like globbing will get expanded.
# Instead of the appname filter, it's recommended to use the desktop_entry filter.
# GLib based applications export their desktop-entry name. In comparison to the appname,
# the desktop-entry won't get localized.
# You can also allow a notification to appear even when paused. Notification will appear whenever notification's override_pause_level >= dunst's paused level.
# This can be used to set partial pause modes, where more urgent notifications get through, but less urgent stay paused. To do that, you can override the following in the rules:
# override_pause_level = X
# You can specify a script that gets run when the rule matches by
# setting the "script" option.
# The script will be called as follows:
# script appname summary body icon urgency
# where urgency can be "LOW", "NORMAL" or "CRITICAL".
# NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order
# to find fitting options for rules.
# Disable the transient hint so that idle_threshold cannot be bypassed from the
# client
# match_transient = yes
# set_transient = no
# Make the handling of transient notifications more strict by making them not
# be placed in history.
# match_transient = yes
# history_ignore = yes
# fullscreen values
# show: show the notifications, regardless if there is a fullscreen window opened
# delay: displays the new notification, if there is no fullscreen window active
# If the notification is already drawn, it won't get undrawn.
# pushback: same as delay, but when switching into fullscreen, the notification will get
# withdrawn from screen again and will get delayed like a new notification
# fullscreen = delay
# msg_urgency = critical
# fullscreen = show
# summary = "*"
# script =
# summary = "*script*"
# script =
# # This notification will not be displayed
# summary = "foobar"
# skip_display = true
# # This notification will not be saved in history
# summary = "foobar"
# history_ignore = yes
# # This notification will not be displayed, but will be included in the history
# summary = "foobar"
# skip_display = yes
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = "*signed on*"
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *signed off*
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *says*
# urgency = critical
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = **
# urgency = normal
# appname = "some_volume_notifiers"
# set_stack_tag = "volume"
# vim: ft=cfg
@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ exec --no-startup-id pasystray
exec --no-startup-id nohup gentoo-pipewire-launcher restart >/dev/null 2>&1 &
# Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
#exec --no-startup-id picom --config ~/.config/picom/picom.conf -b
exec --no-startup-id polybar
exec --no-startup-id picom --config ~/.config/picom/picom.conf -b
exec --no-startup-id dunst -conf ~/.config/dunst/dunst.rc
set $refresh_i3status killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && $refresh_i3status
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
# Shadows #
# Enabled client-side shadows on windows. Note desktop windows
# (windows with '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP') never get shadow,
# unless explicitly requested using the wintypes option.
# shadow = false
shadow = true;
# The blur radius for shadows, in pixels. (defaults to 12)
# shadow-radius = 12
shadow-radius = 7;
# The opacity of shadows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0.75)
# shadow-opacity = .75
# The left offset for shadows, in pixels. (defaults to -15)
# shadow-offset-x = -15
shadow-offset-x = -7;
# The top offset for shadows, in pixels. (defaults to -15)
# shadow-offset-y = -15
shadow-offset-y = -7;
# Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows. This option is deprecated,
# you should use the *wintypes* option in your config file instead.
# no-dock-shadow = false
# Don't draw shadows on drag-and-drop windows. This option is deprecated,
# you should use the *wintypes* option in your config file instead.
# no-dnd-shadow = false
# Red color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0).
# shadow-red = 0
# Green color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0).
# shadow-green = 0
# Blue color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0).
# shadow-blue = 0
# Do not paint shadows on shaped windows. Note shaped windows
# here means windows setting its shape through X Shape extension.
# Those using ARGB background is beyond our control.
# Deprecated, use
# shadow-exclude = 'bounding_shaped'
# or
# shadow-exclude = 'bounding_shaped && !rounded_corners'
# instead.
# shadow-ignore-shaped = ''
# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should have no shadow.
# examples:
# shadow-exclude = "n:e:Notification";
# shadow-exclude = []
shadow-exclude = [
"name = 'Notification'",
"class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'",
"name = 'Plank'",
"name = 'Docky'",
"name = 'Kupfer'",
"name = 'xfce4-notifyd'",
"name *= 'VLC'",
"name *= 'compton'",
"name *= 'Chromium'",
"name *= 'Chrome'",
"class_g = 'Firefox' && argb",
"class_g = 'Conky'",
"class_g = 'Kupfer'",
"class_g = 'Synapse'",
"class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'",
"class_g ?= 'Cairo-dock'",
"class_g = 'Cairo-clock'",
"class_g ?= 'Xfce4-notifyd'",
"class_g ?= 'Xfce4-power-manager'",
# Add this one too for ...
# Add this one above to the list to have no shadow in Openbox menu
# "! name~=''",
# Specify a X geometry that describes the region in which shadow should not
# be painted in, such as a dock window region. Use
# shadow-exclude-reg = "x10+0+0"
# for example, if the 10 pixels on the bottom of the screen should not have shadows painted on.
# shadow-exclude-reg = ""
# Crop shadow of a window fully on a particular Xinerama screen to the screen.
# xinerama-shadow-crop = false
# Fading #
# Fade windows in/out when opening/closing and when opacity changes,
# unless no-fading-openclose is used.
# fading = false
fading = false
# Opacity change between steps while fading in. (0.01 - 1.0, defaults to 0.028)
# fade-in-step = 0.028
fade-in-step = 0.03;
# Opacity change between steps while fading out. (0.01 - 1.0, defaults to 0.03)
# fade-out-step = 0.03
fade-out-step = 0.03;
# The time between steps in fade step, in milliseconds. (> 0, defaults to 10)
# fade-delta = 10
# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should not be faded.
# fade-exclude = []
# Do not fade on window open/close.
# no-fading-openclose = false
# Do not fade destroyed ARGB windows with WM frame. Workaround of bugs in Openbox, Fluxbox, etc.
# no-fading-destroyed-argb = false
# Transparency / Opacity #
# Opacity of inactive windows. (0.1 - 1.0, defaults to 1.0)
# inactive-opacity = 1
inactive-opacity = 1;
# Opacity of window titlebars and borders. (0.1 - 1.0, disabled by default)
# frame-opacity = 1.0
frame-opacity = 1;
# Default opacity for dropdown menus and popup menus. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 1.0)
# menu-opacity = 1.0
# Let inactive opacity set by -i override the '_NET_WM_OPACITY' values of windows.
# inactive-opacity-override = true
inactive-opacity-override = false;
# Default opacity for active windows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 1.0)
# active-opacity = 1.0
# Dim inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0.0)
# inactive-dim = 0.0
# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should always be considered focused.
# focus-exclude = []
focus-exclude = [ "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'" ];
# Use fixed inactive dim value, instead of adjusting according to window opacity.
# inactive-dim-fixed = 1.0
# Specify a list of opacity rules, in the format `PERCENT:PATTERN`,
# like `50:name *= "Firefox"`. picom-trans is recommended over this.
# Note we don't make any guarantee about possible conflicts with other
# programs that set '_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY' on frame or client windows.
# example:
# opacity-rule = [ "80:class_g = 'URxvt'" ];
#opacity-rule = [ "60:class_g = 'Alacritty'" ]
#opacity-rule = [ "40:class_g = 'Dunst'" ]
# Background-Blurring #
# Parameters for background blurring, see the *BLUR* section for more information.
# blur-method =
# blur-size = 12
# blur-deviation = false
# Blur background of semi-transparent / ARGB windows.
# Bad in performance, with driver-dependent behavior.
# The name of the switch may change without prior notifications.
# blur-background = false
# Blur background of windows when the window frame is not opaque.
# Implies:
# blur-background
# Bad in performance, with driver-dependent behavior. The name may change.
# blur-background-frame = false
# Use fixed blur strength rather than adjusting according to window opacity.
# blur-background-fixed = false
# Specify the blur convolution kernel, with the following format:
# example:
# blur-kern = "5,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1";
# blur-kern = ''
blur-kern = "3x3box";
# Exclude conditions for background blur.
# blur-background-exclude = []
blur-background-exclude = [
"window_type = 'dock'",
"window_type = 'desktop'",
# General Settings #
# Daemonize process. Fork to background after initialization. Causes issues with certain (badly-written) drivers.
# daemon = false
# Specify the backend to use: `xrender`, `glx`, or `xr_glx_hybrid`.
# `xrender` is the default one.
backend = "glx"
#backend = "xr_glx_hybrid"
#backend = "xrender";
# Enable/disable VSync.
vsync = true
#vsync = true
# Enable remote control via D-Bus. See the *D-BUS API* section below for more details.
# dbus = false
# Try to detect WM windows (a non-override-redirect window with no
# child that has 'WM_STATE') and mark them as active.
# mark-wmwin-focused = false
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
# Mark override-redirect windows that doesn't have a child window with 'WM_STATE' focused.
# mark-ovredir-focused = false
mark-ovredir-focused = true;
# Try to detect windows with rounded corners and don't consider them
# shaped windows. The accuracy is not very high, unfortunately.
# detect-rounded-corners = false
detect-rounded-corners = true;
# Detect '_NET_WM_OPACITY' on client windows, useful for window managers
# not passing '_NET_WM_OPACITY' of client windows to frame windows.
# detect-client-opacity = false
detect-client-opacity = true;
# Specify refresh rate of the screen. If not specified or 0, picom will
# try detecting this with X RandR extension.
# refresh-rate = 60
refresh-rate = 0
# Limit picom to repaint at most once every 1 / 'refresh_rate' second to
# boost performance. This should not be used with
# vsync drm/opengl/opengl-oml
# as they essentially does sw-opti's job already,
# unless you wish to specify a lower refresh rate than the actual value.
# sw-opti =
# Use EWMH '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW' to determine currently focused window,
# rather than listening to 'FocusIn'/'FocusOut' event. Might have more accuracy,
# provided that the WM supports it.
# use-ewmh-active-win = false
# Unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window is detected,
# to maximize performance for full-screen windows. Known to cause flickering
# when redirecting/unredirecting windows.
# unredir-if-possible = false
# Delay before unredirecting the window, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0.
# unredir-if-possible-delay = 0
# Conditions of windows that shouldn't be considered full-screen for unredirecting screen.
# unredir-if-possible-exclude = []
# Use 'WM_TRANSIENT_FOR' to group windows, and consider windows
# in the same group focused at the same time.
# detect-transient = false
detect-transient = true
# Use 'WM_CLIENT_LEADER' to group windows, and consider windows in the same
# group focused at the same time. 'WM_TRANSIENT_FOR' has higher priority if
# detect-transient is enabled, too.
# detect-client-leader = false
detect-client-leader = true
# Resize damaged region by a specific number of pixels.
# A positive value enlarges it while a negative one shrinks it.
# If the value is positive, those additional pixels will not be actually painted
# to screen, only used in blur calculation, and such. (Due to technical limitations,
# with use-damage, those pixels will still be incorrectly painted to screen.)
# Primarily used to fix the line corruption issues of blur,
# in which case you should use the blur radius value here
# (e.g. with a 3x3 kernel, you should use `--resize-damage 1`,
# with a 5x5 one you use `--resize-damage 2`, and so on).
# May or may not work with *--glx-no-stencil*. Shrinking doesn't function correctly.
# resize-damage = 1
# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should be painted with inverted color.
# Resource-hogging, and is not well tested.
# invert-color-include = []
# GLX backend: Avoid using stencil buffer, useful if you don't have a stencil buffer.
# Might cause incorrect opacity when rendering transparent content (but never
# practically happened) and may not work with blur-background.
# My tests show a 15% performance boost. Recommended.
# glx-no-stencil = false
# GLX backend: Avoid rebinding pixmap on window damage.
# Probably could improve performance on rapid window content changes,
# but is known to break things on some drivers (LLVMpipe, xf86-video-intel, etc.).
# Recommended if it works.
# glx-no-rebind-pixmap = false
# Disable the use of damage information.
# This cause the whole screen to be redrawn everytime, instead of the part of the screen
# has actually changed. Potentially degrades the performance, but might fix some artifacts.
# The opposing option is use-damage
# no-use-damage = false
use-damage = true
# Use X Sync fence to sync clients' draw calls, to make sure all draw
# calls are finished before picom starts drawing. Needed on nvidia-drivers
# with GLX backend for some users.
# xrender-sync-fence = false
# GLX backend: Use specified GLSL fragment shader for rendering window contents.
# See `compton-default-fshader-win.glsl` and `compton-fake-transparency-fshader-win.glsl`
# in the source tree for examples.
# glx-fshader-win = ''
# Force all windows to be painted with blending. Useful if you
# have a glx-fshader-win that could turn opaque pixels transparent.
# force-win-blend = false
# Do not use EWMH to detect fullscreen windows.
# Reverts to checking if a window is fullscreen based only on its size and coordinates.
# no-ewmh-fullscreen = false
# Dimming bright windows so their brightness doesn't exceed this set value.
# Brightness of a window is estimated by averaging all pixels in the window,
# so this could comes with a performance hit.
# Setting this to 1.0 disables this behaviour. Requires --use-damage to be disabled. (default: 1.0)
# max-brightness = 1.0
# Make transparent windows clip other windows like non-transparent windows do,
# instead of blending on top of them.
# transparent-clipping = false
# Set the log level. Possible values are:
# "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"
# in increasing level of importance. Case doesn't matter.
# If using the "TRACE" log level, it's better to log into a file
# using *--log-file*, since it can generate a huge stream of logs.
# log-level = "debug"
log-level = "warn";
# Set the log file.
# If *--log-file* is never specified, logs will be written to stderr.
# Otherwise, logs will to written to the given file, though some of the early
# logs might still be written to the stderr.
# When setting this option from the config file, it is recommended to use an absolute path.
# log-file = '~/.config/compton.log'
# Show all X errors (for debugging)
# show-all-xerrors = false
# Write process ID to a file.
# write-pid-path = '/path/to/your/log/file'
# Window type settings
# 'WINDOW_TYPE' is one of the 15 window types defined in EWMH standard:
# "unknown", "desktop", "dock", "toolbar", "menu", "utility",
# "splash", "dialog", "normal", "dropdown_menu", "popup_menu",
# "tooltip", "notification", "combo", and "dnd".
# Following per window-type options are available: ::
# fade, shadow:::
# Controls window-type-specific shadow and fade settings.
# opacity:::
# Controls default opacity of the window type.
# focus:::
# Controls whether the window of this type is to be always considered focused.
# (By default, all window types except "normal" and "dialog" has this on.)
# full-shadow:::
# Controls whether shadow is drawn under the parts of the window that you
# normally won't be able to see. Useful when the window has parts of it
# transparent, and you want shadows in those areas.
# redir-ignore:::
# Controls whether this type of windows should cause screen to become
# redirected again after been unredirected. If you have unredir-if-possible
# set, and doesn't want certain window to cause unnecessary screen redirection,
# you can set this to `true`.
tooltip = { fade = true; shadow = true; opacity = 0.9; focus = true; full-shadow = false; };
dock = { shadow = false; }
dnd = { shadow = false; }
popup_menu = { opacity = 0.9; }
dropdown_menu = { opacity = 0.9; }
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 MiB |
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